The annual Marital and Sexuality Counselling Seminar (MASEC) is organized under the Counselling Program of the Faculty of Leadership and Management, USIM. The event underlines the thrust and expertise of family counselling field in USIM. MASEC promotes scholarly discussion through research paper presentation sessions, forums, training workshops, and keynote speeches that focus on the institutions of family and marriage.
Developments in family and society are increasingly challenging today. Various issues and new circumstances arise in parallel with developments and progress in technology and national trends. The dominant challenges today relate to the digital era and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, MASEC 2024 will continue to provide a platform for government and non-government bodies, counselling practitioners, psychologists, medical experts, academics, post-graduate students, and the general public to share case studies, knowledge, and experiences in family issues. Following the crisis arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s MASEC seminar will once again be held in a hybrid face-to-face and online manner.
MASEC 2024 will highlight aspects of counselling relating to family well-being and challenges by discussing research results and counselling practices as well as provide counsellors, psychologists, medical experts, and the counselling community especially those related to family issues with the requisite knowledge and exposure.